Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Chase Happenings.

Last Friday, Chase and I went on our very first date together! Chase chose to go to Burger King for Dinner and afterwards we headed off to see Madagascar 2. Dinner was quite delightful because I sat by myself as Chase played in the play area. During the movie, Chase and I held hands and shared our drink and snacks. =) We had a fun time together...just the two of us.Chase LOVES his Baby Davis! He constantly wants to hold him and kiss him. Last Sunday, during Sacrament, I told Chase he needed to be reverent and fold his arms. Chase then turned to Baby Davis and said "Bebe Dabis, you need to fold you awms!!" In no sort of quiet voice! I whispered to him that Davis was still too little and didn't know how to fold his arms yet. Chase then said to me, in a LOUD voice, "but you can hewp him fowd hims awms!" Chase then tried to fold Davis' arms himself and Davis didn't like that too much. He got quite distraught that Davis would not and could not fold his arms and be reverent during the Sacrament prayer. We went our rounds with me telling Chase he needed to be quiet and be reverent and Chase insisted that "Bebe Dabis needed to fowd his awms." Oh dear.=)
Chase will finish up his soccer season this Saturday. He has really really enjoyed playing and always gets SO excited when he gets a kick at the ball. He is one of the youngest on his team and so he doesn't get the ball very often. There are 2 boys that are almost 5, and really good, that always are controlling the ball. Every so often Chase and the rest of his teammates will get a chance to get in and kick the ball. I think Chase's team, the Tigercubs, have only lost one game. Last Saturday, they won 4-1. I am glad that Chase has enjoyed playing and am sad that the season is almost over! I must admit- the first time Chase got a really good kick at the ball, it brought some tears to my eyes! When he got that ball I could see he was so very excited and it gave him a little power boost! =) At the end of every game, they do a "parents tunnel" for the kids to run through and Chase loves that part. I think we will play again next year!! =)
Going after the ball...even though the whistle had been blown and the quarter was over. Chase wasn't stopping because he had complete control over that ball. He ran it all the way out of bounds! Here's some redneck Chase for ya! We bought him a pack of Hanes white T-Shirts (size 4t) and after they were all washed, they SHRUNK! So, his belly pops out of them. I laugh every time he wears them because all I can think of is a redneck with a big belly and a mullett. I wish I had a mullett wig..oh well. Tonight, Chase came walking into the room with his short redneck shirt on, one shoe on, and a sock on with his big toe poking out...I had to capture a picture...he is such a little mess...and redneck...haha.
This evening, Chase was told by Papa that if he ate all of his dinner, then he would get some Krabby Patties (those gummy candy things from SpongeBob). Papa told him that they would appear magically once his dinner was all gone. Chase gobbled his dinner down and so, holding true to the word, Papa had those candies appear magically. He got a cup and "filled it up with water" and then threw the "cup of water" on Chase, and whalah..the krabby patties came flying out. Chase thought this was pretty cool. So, during dishes, Chase was helping Nuna clean up. He was at the sink and filled a cup up with water and shook it like Papa did to get the krabby patties to appear. After a few shakes, Chase said, "ah! no krabby patties yet!" He attempted filling the cup up a few times and shaking it and to no avail! He was quite frustrated and took the cup to Papa to have him make the krabby patties appear. Chase got two more! =)


danakat said...

That is precious that he is so determined for Davis to fold his awms. You are so blessed with those two boys.

Carly A said...

I am jealous of your date! How cute, holding hands, candy, and a drink... that is about as good as it gets! I am sure Davis has a long road ahead of him with Chase as his brother, but I am sure it will be filled with fun and good stories! I would have cried too when Chase hit the ball if I were there. And what a cute redneck magician. I thought when you started telling the story that he was going to throw the water on Nuna. I actually had started laughing about the image in my mind.

Beth said...

What a fun date! That is so sweet, holding hands!

The Happy Haynie Family said...

Life is NEVER boring with Chase!!

4 Kids, 1 Me said...

Hey Lace! I want to email you, but I can't find an email address...can you send me one? reaganmt@rap.midco.net


p.s. your boys are so incredibly cute!!!!