Thursday, November 20, 2008

More funny!

So the other night I asked Chase what my "big name" is and he said "Benjamin Mom!" (his "big name" is Benjamin Chase.)

Last night we had the missionaries over for dinner. While we were all at the table eating, Dad began telling a story about some new medical thing and here is what followed...
Chase: "Papa! Papa! Papa! a short pause...Papa! Papa! Papa! Papa! PAAAPAAAAAA!
Papa: What Chase?
Chase: Jesus can hear you!!

=) He's pretty smart, eh?


Carly A said...

Well Benjamin mom you have a pretty smart boy on your hands... hopefully he will remember that Jesus can hear him when little Davis starts annoying him. Haha. I can't wait to see that little booger and hear his cute comments myself!

Lisha said...

I know I've said it before, but I LOVE that little boy.