Friday, April 2, 2010


Since yesterday was April Fools I knew I had to come up with something good to play on my students. I come to the conclusion that I should find a word search online that had a list of words that were not in the puzzle. I gave them 10 minutes and told them that whoever completed it or had the most words before the time was up would get a prize. This really got them going…anything with “prize” or “treat” in the sentence gets their attention like nothing else. Sooo..I handed out the sheets and set my timer to ten minutes. I busied myself around the classroom as they worked so I wouldn’t be caught laughing or smiling as they all tried to find the words. They worked SO hard to find the words and they kept telling me, “are you sure they are in here ms. F? I can’t find any!” In which I would respond, “yep! They are! Keep looking. It’s a challenging puzzle but I was able to find all of the words, so just keep looking.” They looked and looked and looked. Not a single one of them stopped looking for the whole 10 minutes. Finally, the timer went off and I yelled out “APRIL FOOLS!” They looked at me for a second then told me I was the meanest teacher ever. They said, “you made us look at a sheet of paper for 10 whole minutes to find NOTHING?!?!” They all laughed about it and got a jolly rancher. I’m a pretty good jokester if I do say so myself. I got all 26 of my students with it and they took the word search to their friends to do. I saw a couple of students working hard on the word search during their lunch. Haha! Today, I had a teacher tell me that she owed me one because one of her students got her with that word search! A, one of my students, who goes to art after my class, gave Ms. L the word search. She was all about it because she said she loves word searches. She told me today that she waisted a good 10 minutes trying to solve that darn puzzle and she couldn't. HAHA...sucka!

So my good joking skills have obviously rubbed off on Chase. Today, when I saw him after work he told me, “MOM! I lost a toof!” I said, “you lost a what?!” “A toof!” he said. I just kinda sat there for a second and he yeleed, “APRIL FOOOOOLS DAY!!!” Too funny. Then, for the rest of the evening he tried to pull little jokes on me…some of them were..”Mom, did you know it’s snowing outside?” (As I am driving in nice sunshiney weather with glasses on…) I said, “WHAT?! It is…I didn’t know that!” Then Chase said, “APRIL FOOOOLS DAY!!!” He got me on that one. ;) Then not even a minute later he said, “Mom, you have a flat tire on the car!” (again, as I am driving down the road.) I said, “UH OH!” His response yet once again, “APRIL FOOOOOLS DAY!!!” What a goob. He then told Nuna the loose “toof” joke and it just made me giggle because she is the one who helped him come up with that. She practiced and practiced with him so that he could get me. He thinks he is one clever cat. Gotta love that kid! :)

On a different note, Chase started a new season of soccer today. It should be lots of fun. We have a couple of friends on our team so we are looking forward to a fun season. His first game is this Saturday!

And, just for the record, I am SO ready for summer…


Anonymous said...

That is so funny! My kids love to get me or Tyson with a practical joke. Last year Alyssa taped the sink sprayer handle down so that it sprayed as soon as you put the water on...stinker.

Amy said...

Haha! Love it!

danakat said...

That is hysterical! Those students are going to remember you for forever!

Carly A said...

What a trickster! His april fool skills are probably better than mine. I just giggled waiting for Michael to find my joke so he knew it was coming.