Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Sensitive Day

Yes, we are still alive...we have just been so busy! I started school full time last Monday and spend a lot of my time doing homework! All I have for today is a quick little post. I don't think Chase has been feeling too well today because he has been a bit on the fussy side. But a couple little stories happened today that made me laugh because of his sensitiveness. (Is that a word?)

Anyway, Chase had a postcard that came in the mail and it had a picture of the back of a kids head with a sucker stuck in the kids hair and Chase found this quite hilarious. He went to show Abby and she just replied and said "Yeah, Chase." And he said "No, look, it's funny!" Abby said again, "Okay Chase" and that just did it for him. He yelled at her "you NOT LAUGHING!" and fell to the floor crying. It just made me laugh with the whole way it played out.

Later, we were driving to go and get some dinner and dad couldn't find the place he wanted to go and Chase asked "Where we going?" and I told him that I wasn't sure and that we were just driving right now. He slumped over and started crying and said, "we not getting any dinner tonight." It made me giggle...poor little guy! He was so hungry! Luckily, I proved him wrong and we did, in fact, get dinner!

On a lighter note, after church on Sunday Chase went into the gym to play with a few of the other kids that were in there and he climbed up on the stage. We told him to come down and that it was time to go home. He decided that he was going to get off of that stage by JUMPING off of it! It was the funniest thing I had ever seen and I know I will never be able to give it justice by just trying to explain the jump but I'll try. Anyway, before I knew it he lunged right off of that stage and landed on his feet, butI think the impact of the jump made his feet fly up behind him and he rolled up onto his face with his legs in the air. I held my breath for a second to see what his reaction would be and he jumped right up and started laughing, so Lexi and I let it out and just cracked up. It was a that you wish you had on camera!

Tonight, Chase is wearing a new pair of jammies he got at a consignment sale here and they are, of course, BATMAN!! He went to show Nuna his jammies and she said, "Chase, are they comfortable?" Chase then said, "No, they not Kung Fu Panda, they Batman!!" It's funny to hear responses to things like these because you never know what they really hear sometimes...obviously this time Chase heard "Kung Fu Panda" instead of "comfortable". =)


Fig said...

Chase is just like me when he's hungry. I too cry and freak out and think I'm never going to get any dinner. :-)

I love that kid.

Cari said...

Too funny! Noah is like that except all the time. He has zero patience. He gets that from his dad (grin!).

Beth said...

Kung fu panda, hahaha! How are you feeling? How much longer?

Carly A said...

Oh man he is one little firecracker! You never know what is going to come out of his mouth! Love him!

Lisha said...

Great stories, you had me laughing! We miss you guys!

Lacey Freeman said...

I am actually feeling really good...just getting huge! I have started to swell a little but not too bad. I am 33 weeks today...only 7 more to go!!

The Happy Haynie Family said...

What a hoot!! You never know what that kid will say or do...

Dawn, said...

Christian was my daredevel. He jumped off EVERYTHING. When I thought for sure he had hurt himself, he would be fine... and then when a jump looked very successful, he'd broke or strained something. I would do just as you... hold my breath waiting for his reaction to know I could start breathing again. Kung fu panda story made me laugh out loud. Its like serving in Junior Primary and listening to all the WRONG words the kids sing at the top of their lungs, so sure they got it all right.