Monday, January 19, 2009

3 Months!

Wow! We' re finally back! We had a wonderful trip to Alabama, especially because we were able to spend it with the ENTIRE family! We were also lucky enoguh to get Kim Greenfield to take our pictures. We had a family shoot and then I had a shoot of just the yes, once again, I posted 100 pictures in honor of Davis's 3 month birthday. So bear with me and enjoy, because I love pictures! especially these!! =) At this moment, I should be doing homework, but I'm not. I guess I'll pay for that later...oh well! And by the time I get my act together and get this post done, it will be time to post about Davis turning 4 months old! Oh well, par for the course with me! I love love love this picture. Little feet are so darn cute to me!
Chase LOVES LOVES LOVES his baby. Often times he will play with Davis while he is laying on the floor when I am trying to get things done. He is such a huge help with throwing diapers away, getting me wipees, and all that fun stuff. You can also just tell that Davis absolutely admires Chase. Davis will just stare at Chase with a complete and total look of awe on his face as his little eyes follow Chase around the room.
And I, of course, am absolutely in love with this little guy. He is so so so sweet and just tons of fun. He is always willing to give away his sweet smiles to anyone who will talk to him.
Lexi (just like Abby and Sam and everyone else) is completely in love with this little guy! The pictures were my Christmas present from Lexi...thanks Lex! =)
Davis loves to be held so he can stand up and use his little legs. We call him thumper because he will get one little lega goin like he is stomping. It is so cute. He loves to use his legs to stand up. He surprises me with how strong he is. He can hold his head up no problem and loves to look around.
Davis is getting good with his little hands. They are constantly in his mouth being sucked on. Over the past week he has started getting his hands up to grasp at toys. A couple of times his hands have landed in dinner plates! Whenever I hold him up to my shoulder his little hands never fail to find my hair and rip it out. His little hands are so cute and always clammy. I love it.Davis did his first little chuckle on his 3 month birthday, January 9. It was the cutest thing ever! Mom was just being goofy making faces and silly noises and he let out a little giggle.
I have a sneaking suspicion that Davis is teething. We have had the full entourage of ear infections, snotty nose, and drooooooooooooooooool, that never seems to stop. The ears are better, but the snotty nose and constant flow of drool is still coming. My mid-day Davis's shirts are soaking wet.
Davis rolled over for the first time on the 20th of this month! He's getting pretty good at it. I must say it was a bittersweet moment. I am pretty sentimental...haha. Chase gets so excited whn Davis rolls himself all the way over. (Look at my mom's blog for a fun video!)
Davis was blessed on December 28, 2008 by my dad. We were able to bless him in Alabama with the whole family there. It was a very special time. Mom made Davis's blessing outfit (above).
Davis absolutely loves to be talked to and he loves to talk back. It is the sweetest thing. He will smile and coo all day long!
Davis loves bath time. He loves to just be held in the water and have his little body float around. It is the cutest thing. He is starting to get chubs all over him with the cute little baby boobies. =)
He makes this face all the time, I love it.
He is usually always so sweet and content. He will lay on the floor and play/look at toys for a good little while all by himself. He loves to be able to kick and fling his arms everywhere. He is quite the little wiggle worm!
He is quite particular about where he sleeps. If we are home and I put him down for a nap in my mom's room in his pack-n-play he will usually sleep for a good 3 hours. Anywhere else his naps are short and he just doesn't sleep as well. I think my mom's room gets nice and toasty when the door is closed, and he likes that. At night, we are cuddle bugs. We cuddle up together and sleep the night away. I don't ever want him to get big and not want to cuddle with me anymore.
Davis loves riding in the car. When it is moving it soothes him, and often times when we have to stop at a red light he starts to cry, but the second we are moving he is quiet again.
As you can tell, my little man is growing up! He sure has captured my heart, along with many others! We love this little guy! He is and has been such a blessing in my life! I couldn't have asked for any better! We sure do love him!!


Fig said...

Lace, you seriously make the most beautiful babies. Davis is so fun - there's something about him that just spreads warm fuzzies around. I notice it when I get to hold him! You really inspire me as a young momma, I'm always watching and storing away ideas for the future ... :-)

Carly A said...

AAAwWW! That post makes me want to get on a plane and go hold him! I love him. I love those blue eyes and his little coos. Give him kisses... lots of them.

Anonymous said...

I love those pictures! Your boys are adorable and I love the first pic a lot! Feet really are the cutest (at least on kids)!

danakat said...

Those boys are beyond beautiful! And the eyes on that!
Thanks for sharing so many great pictures...they just you happy looking at them. :)

The Happy Haynie Family said...

I LOVE all my grandkids!
With that being said I know that all of my kids understand this next statement...

This little guy is more like my own child and I will give him the life that he deserves to the best of my ability! He deserves the very best and will get it as far as I am concerned. I love you Baby D.

Dawn, said...

Oh how I love Novel post with tons and tons of photos. Thank you for sharing. Your boys are so very beautiful. I know they won't appreciate being called beautiful, but they are what they are!!!

Lisha said...


I want every one to come back but I love those picters so much love you!

Jessica M said...

Your pictures are so beautiful! I love them! I'm glad y'all had a nice visit. I'm sorry I didn't see you while you were here.

Beth said...

Somehow I missed this post, how stinking cute is that little boy?! I love the pictures.