Wednesday, December 10, 2008

25 Christmas Questions

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper is definitely more fun to open and watch people open, but sometimes the bags are nice.

2. Real tree or artificial? The real ones are so pretty, but such a mess! I always loved when we would go pick out a real tree as a family, but for now the artificial ones are okay. Maybe next year we will get a real one...
3. When do you put up the tree? Usually, whenever we have the time! We just did it this past Monday. I remember doing it like the week before Christmas one year...oops!

4. When do you take the tree down? Usually right after New Years.

5. Do you like eggnog? It's not my favorite. I'd rather save the calories for something else!
6. Favorite gift received as a child? Oh man, I had TONS! I do remember one year my dad showed me and Carly these little closet/storage things that were really neat looking and he told us that they were for my mom to store her sewing stuff. I remember thinking that they were REALLY cool. When I woke up that morning there was one at "my spot" and come to find out it was a doll closet for me (Carly and Lexi got one too) for our American Girl Dolls. I was way excited. Inside were little hangers that my Grandpa Haynie made for us with his own 2 hands! Those are pretty special! =)

7. Do you have a nativity set? YES! I love it too. It was a gift from Alisha last year and I am so very proud of it! (She made it!)
8. Hardest person to buy for? Hmm....I am not really sure. We draw names and there is usually something that everybody wants. 9. Easiest person to buy for? Chase haha. I love kids toys and could buy him 100,000 things if I had the money.

10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail! Email would be lame.
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? None actually, that I can remember.
12. Favorite Christmas Movies? The Grinch Who Stole Christmas and Polar Express

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Usually Black Friday.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Nope.

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? almost everything...that's why I get so fat.

16. Clear lights or colored on the tree? Clear lights for sure.

17.Favorite Christmas song? I LOVE CHRISTMAS MUSIC!! All the classic ones, Oh Holy Night, Silver Bells, etc. I really love This Christmas by Christina Aguilera, Do You Hear What I Hear by Carrie Underwood, and that one song by N*Sync that goes "Merry Christmas,Merry Christmas, and happy holidays." (be glad you can't hear me singing)

18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? I love being with family wherever they are.

19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? I'll try..Rudolph, Donner, Blitzen, Prancer, Dasher, Comet, Cupid...I give up.

20. Angel on the tree top or a star? I like stars the best.
21. Most annoying thing about this time of year? People's greed when shopping and what not.
22. Favorite ornament theme or color? Red of course! I really like my tree this year.

23. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Um, whatever is being cooked!

24. What do you want for Christmas this year? Just to be with my family and to not have to worry about all the things that stress me out. To escape "life" for a little bit and enjoy my family.

25. A favorite Christmas Tradition? The Nativity Scene on Christmas Eve along with opening jammies and slippers...Christmas wouldn't be the same without these things!

(You have double duty today people! Check the post below because I just did it and I know you want to see darling pictures {and a video} of Baby D!)

1 comment:

Carly A said...

Oh wow you added pictures to your survey... spiffy! I still need to do this. I totally remember those closets... it is one of my most memorable presents. Does Mom still have those? I kinda want mine now that I have a little girlie girl... maybe I can have yours too since all you produce is BOYS.... jk. I believe there is a little Merrick up there somewhere!