Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Just a quick funny...

So the other night I made enchiladas for dinner. They totally weren't spicey, but Chase, of course, thought that they were. After eating a few bites he went up and blew on mom's arm and said, "Is my breath hot? Because my mouth is spicey!" I just laughed. What a goob.

Today, Chase, Emma, Nathan, and I made some cupcakes to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. (Pictures to come soon!) We had a blast! We divided the batter up into bowls so we could color them (they were rainbow cupcakes) and Chase had the green and Nate-dogg the blue. Every time I looked over at them, the stinkers were scooping a spoonful of batter into their mouths! We made a HUGE mess making the cupcakes, but it was totally worth it. Time well spent together. Emma spent the whole 20 minutes in front of the oven while the cupcakes cooked and as they got bigger, she claimed one to be her's, then when one would outgrow her previously claimed, she would claim that one. She didn't stop talking about them until they were done cooking. :) To be young again, right?

This morning I was explaining to Chase that today was St. Patrick's Day and since he didn't have green on (he was still in his jammy's) I got to pinch him. So we had a little pinching and tickle war for a while. It was fun. He later came up to me and declared that tomorrow is "Spiderman's Day" and everyone has to wear red, blue, and black. :)

This goes back a while, but just a few cute little things I want to remember...When we were moving into the new house, Chase one day turned to Davis and said, "I love you Baby D, I love you real bad!" Another day, as I was getting Chase into bed he told me, "Americans are SO lazy mom." He got that from Abby earlier in the day when she was frustrated with something that wasn't working right. It cracked me up. He then later said, "Mom, I'm the best there ever was, huh?" I responded, "Of course!" Gotta love that kid! :)

Don't you like how my quick funny turned into 5? :)


kaitlan said...

Chase is such a character!Love the funnies!

Amy said...

Haha! Love it! :D

Carly A said...

He is so super funny! I love that little boy! Oh and I am totally going to try those cupcakes real soon.