Thursday, March 27, 2008

First Part of Spring Break Fun and a Little Bit More!

Well, first of all X started a new job on Monday at Garrett Law Office. He is the new receptionist there and so far is loving it. We have a guy in our ward, Logan Jones, who works there and told X of the job and has been a huge help with the whole job thing. Luckily, this job became available, because shortly before X applied to work for a bus plant here in Tulsa. A few days after he applied, this receptionist job came about and we had better feeling about it, so we took it...well...come to find out ALL temporaries at the bus plant had been cut this week and all full time employees hours were cut to 30 hours a most! Luckily, the Lord was looking out for us and helped us into a much better job! So like I said, X is loving it so far and it has been a HUGE blessing for us!!

Oh and my due date is October 19! I will be 10 weeks tomorrow! =)
For Spring Break we got to go back to Alabama. The first part of the week we headed down to Mobile to visit X's Aunt Lisa and Uncle Brian and their little boy Bryce. We had a great time with them and Chase LOVED Bryce and all of his toys!On Monday, we drove down to Gulf Shores for Chase's (and my...that I can remember) first visit to the beach! HOW BREATHTAKING! WOW! The first day we were there it was overcast and windy...but there's no stoppin these future beach bums! Ha. We had a wonderful time. On the way down we stopped at Tanger Outlets and did some fun shopping. We then had dinner at Lambert's (where they throw the rolls and bring around pile-on's) It was pretty yummy, the atmosphere was fun. Then, finally, we made it to the beach and had some fun digging in the sand, feeding the seagulls, finding seashells, and running from the cold waves! That night, X and I got to spend the evening in a beachfront hotel and it was so fun. The next day the weather was beautiful and stupid me didn't have my camera out on the beach. But, we had a great time acting like little kids playing in the waves and on the beach. I got fried within an hour, but it was all worth it! We got to go back to the beach as soon as possible! =)

Sandy toes!

Getting ready for a big wave to come!

Looking for tresure!

Amazed by the seagulls...I couldn't believe how they swarmed around and followed you everywhere after you gave them one little crumb!

Getting ready for another big wave with Daddy!

One of my favorites, along with the sandy toes!

Running from the waves...freezing!

At lunch with Nana!

Feeding the seagulls some more...Chase LOVED it!

Bubble bath time with Bryce!

Be prepared for some more fun spring break posts to come...there's too much to do at once!


Fig said...

I think the picture with Chase and the seagulls at the beach is amazing. Seriously, way cool picture.

I'm retracting my statement about Dizzle telling X not to do law school. He actually says "go for it" - he thinks X would make a great trial attorney - but he just wants to impress upon you guys how hard it is. Law school is no picnic.

The end.

Lacey said...

i agree with fig about the general awesomeness of your pictures! I can't wait until we can take Riley to the beach.

Beth said...

i LOVE the beach! I miss it! We go every other year and alternate it with going to the mountains. This year is mountains... :(

Becki said...

How fun that you are pregnant again! I'm pregnant too and my due date is a few weeks before yours. I hope you're feeling alright. Im done with the morning sickness, yeah!

Debbie said...

I've been to Lambert's once, and I loved it! I would love to go back. I can't believe that was your first trip to the beach! I absolutely LOVE the beach. It just really relaxes me. Great pictures! Glad Chase had a fun time! So far, Taylor is not a big fan of sand. Hopefully she will change her mind before October and Mayfield Family Reunion in Destin rolls around again.