Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Me and X...forever!

How long have you been together? Ha...well we first met when I was in 8th grade and X was in 7th in PE class. We were on and off for a little bit then we were serious for while and you all know what happened and then after all the mess we got back together and dated for a year and then we were engaged for like 3 weeks and now married for a little bit more than 7 months!

How long did you date? Oh above...

How old is he? 19 almost 20.

Who eats more? I eat more sweets but X in general eats more, especially lately I haven't had much of an appetite.

Who said "I love you" first? I THINK it was X and we were like 14 haha...does that count?

Who is taller? X is as long as I don't wear heels. Boo.

Who sings better? Haha...Well, to be completely honest, neither of us. We both suck...big time.

Who is smarter? Hmm..well, it's not that X is dumb because he isn't, seriously...he just hates school and struggles with it...but I would say he has more common sense...I'm just being honest here.

Who does the laundry? Well, to be honest my mom...we were living with her so she took care of it because she doesn't mind doing it, and I am sure now every so often she will do it, but for the most part I will go to the laundro mat or whatever it's called.

Who does the dishes? We both do. X is really good about helping clean up. He is a hard worker and wants to get things done.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? X does if you are looking at it...closer to the door...keeps me safe. =)

Who pays the bills? Mostly me. I hate bills. In fact, I hate money.

Who mows the lawn? Well X would a lot at mom's house, but now that we don't have a lawn anymore no one, but I know X will...he sort of likes to do it and he's good at it!

Who cooks dinner? Me, unless we are at mom's now, but I love to help her and LOVE to cook! X is pretty good at heating things up and making them yummy! (chicken strips, taquitos)

Who is more stubborn? Hmm...we both are pretty stubborn. It just depends on our moods and the situation but I would say for the most part we balance eachother out with this because when one is stubborn the other isn't....usually...

Who kissed who first? X did. In the hall at Liberty Middle School...oh man!

Who asked who out? X. Technically our first "date" was when I was 16 for my birthday, but he asked me out during PE in 7th/8th grade...haha.

Who is more sensitive? a long shot. Especially right now, I'm on a rollercoaster. X sometimes is a little sensitive, but I think I pass him up on this one...

Who has more friends? Well I think we are pretty equal. But, in Alabama it seems like everywhere we go X knows AT LEAST 2 people, or they know him.

Who has more siblings? Definitely me. I have 5 sisters and 2 brothers and X only has 1 brother.

Who are you tagging? Well I am pretty sure I am the last one to do this because I needed something to blog about...but if you haven't done it DO IT! It's not as bad as you think! =)


Lisha said...

You guys are too cute... enjoyed the post!

Carly A said...

You guys have been married the least amount of time but have been "together" for the longest... haha.