Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mormon Tuesdays

In our ward, we have a family who opens their pool up to the ward on Tuesdays to come and swim...this has been termed "Mormon Tuesdays". We've gone about 4 times this summer and have had a blast every time. Everyone brings snacks and drinks to share and we all just hang around and swim for a few hours...or the day. Chase "helping" Blaykli out of the pool.
Natalie...I've been informed that Blaykli is Chase's girlfriend...
Jump!Chase is too impatient to wait for anyone else.
And yes...this picture below is of Chase jumping off of a 4 foot wall into the water head first doing his "dive"...I almost peed my pants the first time because I totally wasn't expecting this but he thought it was pretty fun! Watch the video below to see it in action...


chia said...

looks like you wont have to teach chase how to dive now. hes got it down. he must have been taking notes from abby and sam. love love love it!

Carly A said...


The Happy Haynie Family said...

Another 2024 Olympiad (sp?) HEE HEE.

Unknown said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! He is just following in the Haynie tradition! He is part fish!

Beth said...

He is part fish like all of the Haynie's. Wonder where Natedogg got his ways?

Fig said...

Dizzle and I just watched Chase's "dive" like ten times in a row. I pretty much scream with laughter every time, he is SO FUNNY!