Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A blessing.

This little man has been such a blessing in my life. He is such a mess and has so much personality. Every day he does something that makes my life worthwhile. He has such a sweet little heart, but yet is such a spitfire. Honestly, there is never a dull moment with him...not even when he sleeps because he moves constantly! Although there have been some hard times, I would not change a single thing that has happened in my life so far. Yeah, maybe I had him out of wedlock and I was young, but I know that those things happened for a reason. I wouldn't be where I am today or who I am today (and neither would x) if i didn't go through the things I went through. I am a better and stronger person because of this little man. He has helped me to understand the miracle of forgiveness. Because of him I have grown closer to my Heavenly Father and become stronger spiritually. He has made me want to make my family an eternal one and I can't wait for that day to come. Chase has taught me so much and has made me who I am today. Everyday I wake up to him I smile, even when I still want to sleep, because more often than not in the morning he utters the words "mommy, i need you." That just melts me to pieces. He makes all the messes and stresses worthwhile. I love him and honestly do not know where I would be without this little booger in my life! =)


Stefanie H said...

awwww how sweet. You make me want one :) haha

Cari said...

How cute is he in that tie? I love his hair, too. He has the most expressive face. You can tell he is a very happy kid.

Debbie said...

Alisha told me about him saying, "Mommy, I NEED you!" That's so cute!