Thursday, November 6, 2008

4 weeks old and a hurt foot

Wow, so I cannot believe that my little baby is already 4 weeks old and will be a MONTH on Sunday!! Time goes wayy tooooo fast! Davis is still such a good baby, although lately he has gotten quite the temper when he gets hungry. He is one loved little guy, that's for sure! He loves to look at lights and for you to hold him back and let his little arms and legs hang. He is such a little cuddle bug too. I am almost 99% sure that he is going to have blue eyes! He also loves to be talked to and often times will stare at your face quite intensely when you talk to him. He smiled at me for the first time on was one of those big sweet cheesy grins! He continues to smile every so often when you talk to him. He weighs 9 lbs 4 oz...he is starting to get those cute little chub rolls on him!!!This picture was taken today...4 weeks old! I love the way his little cheeks look in this picture...disregard all the junk behind him. =) Chase and Davis's very first tubby together! The water looks funky because Chase has these water changing color tab things that he likes to put in the bath with him...not because of pee! I promise! =) Davis LOVES the bath. He loves to just sit in it and he gets quite upset the second you take him out.
I love this little can start to see the chubs! =)Chase LOVES much! He always wants to help burp him after he eats and continuosly asks to hold him. All the time. I love that Chase loves his little brother...I couldn't have asked for it to be any better! Chase also just loves to sit and watch Davis and giggles at all of his silly faces. I know he is going to continue to be an awesome big brother to Davis. And, on to the hurt foot...on Wednesday night Chase was getting pretty groovy dancing all around the house. It was quite hilarious. He comes up with some of the best moves ever. Anyway, he was dancing it up and rolled on his foot. We knew it wasn't broken, but Chase would not walk on it for ANYTHING that night. We decided to wait it out and see what would happen in the morning. Well, this morning he woke up and came to the stairs crawling and complaining about his foot. Anytime we tried to touch it or get him to walk on it he would freak out. So, we decided we better take him in to the doctor. At the doctor he was distracted and Dr. Baker was able to feel on it and actually got him to walk on his heel. He came to the conclusion that it was not broken, but sprained. He told us to just take it easy today and have him keep ice on it and keep it elevated (yeah right!!) We didn't even attempt the ice and the elevation lasted for the duration of 2 minutes and so I could take some pictures. All day long Chase crawled around the house to do what he wanted. We even went grocery shopping and he sat in the cart the WHOLE time and didn't even ask to get out ONCE...made the shopping trip a breeze! =) This evening, we had enrichment and some of the ladies brought their kids as did I. I was hoping that Chase would get tired of crawling and attempt to walk a little on his foot...but it didn't happen. Instead, he had all the other kids crawling with him! I know his little foot hurts and it has even been a little swollen...poor guy! I hope it gets better soon because he is one heavy little boy to carry around! This evening I had him stand on one foot and he said "LOOK MOM! I'M BOUNSUHLING!!!" =)
Some Chase stories:::
At Wal Mart this evening we were in the produce section. I had Chase in the cart and some ginormously large lady came riding by us on one of those scooters and was in some pretty short shorts for her size...not a pretty site. Chase saw her and I watched him look at her for a minute and then he turned to me and said "MOM! Her just haves hers underwears on!!" The lady seemed a little loopy so I am not sure that she heard what Chase said or not...but I walked away as fast as I could and couldn't help but to laugh...oh they are so honest!
This evening at enrichment Chase was able to play with his bud Jack. Chase was being Batman and Jack was Superman. What all happened I have no idea, but it was cute nonetheless. After we left enrichment Lacey (Jack's mom) called because Jack wanted to talk to Chase. So, we gave Chase the phone (on speaker phone so we could hear) and this is what followed (for the most part...)
Chase: Hi Jack!
Jack: Hi Batman!
Chase: Hi Superman! What are you doing?
no answer...
What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? plus another 10 times.
Me and mom start to giggle.
Chase: Mom--stop it! Nuna--stop it!
Me and mom: Okay Chase sorry.
Chase: Superman, what is your favorite color? Blue or green or yellow? A few seconds later...or yellow or blue or green? (he gave him a lot of choices huh?)
no answer...What is your favorite color? repeated ten times.
Me: Chase, give Jack a few seconds to answer...
Chase: repeats the question.
Jack responded but I couldn't understand what he said.
Chase: I am in the car driving home...and going to bed...and read a story.
Me and mom start to giggle again.
Chase: MOM! STOP IT!
Me: I'm not doing anything hunny.
Chase: Yes you are. You just laugh.
Me: Okay, sorry honey.
Chase and Jack converse a little more and then Jack starts to sing for Chase. I am not sure what he was singing but it was sweet. It was time for Jack to go and Chase says "bye superman!"
3 year olds and their phone conversations...=)
Lastly, this evening I was sitting in the living room feeding Davis and Chase was in the kitchen. I sneezed and Chase promptly yelled "Bless you Mom!!" =) What a sweet boy!


Beth said...

I loved their conversation! That picture of the two of them together is so funny, what cuties!

Fig said...

I like the new site name. So cute!

Also, I'm glad you clarified the colored water, because I TOTALLY thought it was pee, and I was a little traumatized. :-)

Your boys are gorgeous.

Melanie said...

I love reading your blog! Chase and Jack were so funny on their phone call. You have the cutest family!

danakat said...

I totally thought it was pee too! LOL
I love your new look! That tree just makes me happy.
And your boys are beyond darling!

Carly A said...

I thought it was more than pee, I am glad you clarified! I can't believe Davis is a month old! He is going to be a toddler by the time I meet him if he keeps growing this fast!

I am glad Chase is feeling better!