Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bad Dream

Last night as I was lying in bed around 3:30 after feeding Davis and getting him tucked back into bed, Chase began to scream the loudest I have ever heard him scream. It wasn't just a normal scream, you could tell it was a really scared scream. I flew off my bed so fast to get him and saw him backing up on his bed looking at it like he was completely freaked out. He was still sceaming and I grabbed him so fast and tried to hold him but his little body was SO tense. I just held him and told him it was all okay and that I had him. He told me that the buggies were trying to get him. I told him there were no buggies on his bed and that everything was okay, then tried to lay him back down. His body tensed back up and he clinged to me. I finally got him calmed down a little and we climbed onto my bed. He told me that there were buggies on my bed. I had to talk him out of that idea. I let him know there were no buggies on my bed or on his bed, and that in fact, there were no buggies at all in the room. He calmed down and we cuddled on my bed. About a half hour after we layed down, Chase had another little bout of freaking out about buggies. Again, I calmed him down and let him know that there were no buggies and that mommy wouldn't let any get him. He calmed back down and we cuddled up together and fell asleep.

This morning Chase woke up and said "MOM! The buggies are gone!!!" I let him know that I was glad that the buggies were gone. I asked him what happened and he told me there were white ones flying around trying to eat him. He also told mom that there were bumble bees. =( Poor guy!! He was seriously SO scared...I have never ever seen him that scared. Sam stayed home from school today and Chase made sure to let Sammy know that he had a "scawy dweam!"


danakat said...

Poor baby! That makes me sad he was so scared. I hope he rests better tonight...for your sake too.

Dawn, said...

Ty is my 'bad dreamer'. I hate when he is that scared and his heart is pounding. I also, down deep, love that I can make it all better! So chalk last night up to another time you were his hero!! Hopefully nothing but sweet dreams in the future.

Anonymous said...

Awww poor kid! Hopefully there are better dreams from now on and better sleep for the both of y'all.

Carly A said...

I would be scared too! Poot little guy. At least you got some cuddles out of it!

Beth said...

Poor little guy! I hate having bad dreams and refuse to watch scary movies because it always triggers them. YOu probably got 0 sleep last night, poor you!

The Happy Haynie Family said...

It was quite a night let me tell you!