Thursday, November 13, 2008

Chase is thankful for...

1. Candy
2. Jesus
3. Batman toys and movies
4. Movies
5. Big chickens
6. Miss Spider's Sunny Patch
7. Playing hide and seek
8. Coloring
9. Going fishing and catching fish in a boat
10. Scooby doo Movies
11. Veggie Tales
12. For this one, I asked him "what else are you thankful for?" and he gave me a kiss and said "that." =)
13. Painting/Messy Art
14. Puzzles
15. Mom and Aunt Carly (sorry all you other aunts...he saw a picture of me and Aunt Carly together...but I know he loves all you guys too!!)

Chase came up with this list all on his own. All I did was ask him about 100 times what he was thankful for and those are the things that he came up with. I am not sure where the going fishing came from since we have never really gone fishing...and as for the big chicken (possibly a turkey)...who knows?

Some other things that I know Chase is thankful for are McDonald's, popsicles, Davis, Nuna, Papa, Cousins, Aunts and Uncles, his rain boots, tubby time, bubbles, cutting paper/scissors, doing his preschool workbooks, his water coloring tablets that he gets to put in the tubby with him, his "kinkys", pacis, books, his friends, the CCY (YMCA) play area, soccer, swimming, jumping on the trampoline, parks, play time, balls, scooters, Boogerberry juice (it's a drink from the gas station QT here), the color green, cuddling, Halloween, doggies,, story time, apples, chicken nuggets, ketchup, french fries, superheros, cars/trucks, games, toys, TV, nursery/church, and riding his bike.

Cute story: I have started going back to the CCY (Chase calls the YMCA the CCY...for whatever reason, I don't know...) to work out. They have a fun child care center for kids that Chase absolutely loves. The lady that watches him in there is older and always has little crafts or coloring pages for the kids to do. Since Thanksgiving is coming up she has had a picture of a turkey for the kids to color. The first day we went back to the CCY and I picked Chase up from the child care center, he showed me the picture of his turkey. He then told me "Mom, this is a turkey and it's going to eat US for Thanksgiving!!"


danakat said...

That is the most entertaining list I've read in a long time. I will have to do this with my kids. Thanks for the inspiration.

Did you ask him why big chickens?

Lacey Freeman said...

I'm guessing it's a turkey...that's what mom says he refers to it as. But he also calls a turkey a turkey too....I dunno what goes on in that little monsters head!!

4 Kids, 1 Me said...

And you're probably better off not knowing exactly what goes on in that litle head! ;)

Great list. Chase and I would get along just great b/c i am thankful for many of the same things, especially the big chickens!

Cari said...

Fabulous booty shot!

Carly A said...

YES! I am so glad he mentioned my name... it made my day! I am thankful for Chase and his energetic and fun spirit! I can't wait to squeeze him. Oh and how sweet is he, thankful for a kiss from mom....

I bet his next nightmare is going to be turkeys eating him...