Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween everyone! Hope you all had a great one! Ours was fun and exciting, mostly because Chase was completely enthralled with it all and totally excited to go trick or treating. This year we celebrated with decorating Halloween cookies...a family tradition...going to the ward Harvest Party, another member in our ward had a Halloween party, and then, on Friday, trick or treating! Chase had to be Batman this year, and there was no changing his mind! So, Chase was Batman and Davis was Robin! Mom made their little speedo things out of spandex and Chase loved his "Batman underwear" and didn't want to take them off! =) We had a fun time trick or treating. We went with some friends from the ward and Chase had a blast.Baby Robin right before we went trick or treating. He just about slept through the whole ordeal. At one house while trick or treating, Chase and 2 other kids, Daniel and Jacob, knocked on a persons door. Well the man opens the door and Jacob, who is 2, took off running into the house to chase after some dogs. Chase and Daniel felt they needed to follow in pursuit of Jacob. All of us parents are standing on the curb as the kids run into the house. The man closed the door because he did not want the dogs to get out. Jacob's mom went into the house and only came out with Jacob so Daniel and Chase are still in the house. As I got closer to the house I hear Chase screaming/laughing. Well Daniel's older brother, Austin, got into the house and herded Daniel out, but Chase is still in the house chasing this poor man's dogs. All the while screaming and laughing. I finally got to the door and got Chase out. The man whose house they escaped into was the school counselor at the school I worked at last took me a few minutes to connect him with where I knew him from, and I am not sure he knew who I was. Oh well! All in a day with Chase! =) On the way to the next house after the dog ordeal, Chase was running to the next house, and as usual, not paying any was also dark out. He ran straight into a bush and flipped over it with his bag of candy flying EVERYWHERE! With the help of Austin, and his glow stick, we collected all of his candy only to have him trip in a hole seconds later and, yet once again, have his candy go flying everywhere. Again, we collected it all and on we went trick or treating. About 5 or so houses later, Chase was coming off of a doorstep and missed it and fell onto the concrete. Again, the candy went flying!! =)
When we first started trick or treating, Chase was way too concerned about eating the candy he got at the house rather then getting going to the next house to get more...what a candyholic he is! In the picture above-Chase, Daniel, and Austin. Chase's mask, Batman belt, and gloves lasted all of about 2 minutes!! I must also document that at nearly every house we went to after Chase got his candy, he told the people "HAPPY HALLOWEEEEEEEN!!" and took off running with his loot trying to open it faster than his little hands could handle! =)

Notice the hole in the tights...they lasted (much to my surprise!) through 2 halloween parties and all through trick or treating until we were at the very last house...Chase took a tumble off of the curb and tore the hole. I was fine with it though, we were done! Chase was posing it up for these pictures...
When we got home from trick or treating with our friends, as we were getting out of the car, we heard "scawy music" and Chase and I set out on a mission to find where it was coming from and as we did so we stopped at a few houses for candy. Chase felt the need to ask EVERYONE if they were playing the "scawy music" and to tell them about the hole in his tights. =) We finally found where the scary music was coming from. At someone's house they had a black tent set up with a black light and smoke inside...the music was so loud and I glanced in and a person is jumping out at whoever walked in...he was dressed up like the psycho guy from the Saw movies! Chase got one glance of his face and took off the other way...we didn't go in that one and get candy from him!
Mine and mom's pumpkins..moms is the face and mine is the face with BOO! Sam did a really good one too...check it out on mom's blog! Hope you all had a wonderful Halloween! We sure did! =)


Dawn, said...

Cutest Batman and Robin I've ever seen!! I just love your 'details' they are so fun to read and very easy to visualize... knowing Chase!!!

danakat said...

I am cracking up at Chase running through that man's house! LOL LOL

Melanie said...

Chase is so funny! What a coincidence that you knew the guy with the dogs too. I can't get over how cute baby Davis is either.

Quincy Sorensen said...

These are fun pictures! Chase looks SO big compared to Baby Davis. Wow! I love Halloween shots.

Sarah Mayfield said...

Batman and Robin are so cute. So as I was looking at the pics and reading your post Georgia comes over to the computer and sees Chase and this is what she said,"look Gavin that is my new friend Chase, I miss him." Doesn't that just melt your heart?

Beth said...

They are so stinking cute! I can't get over Davis's costume... those little bottoms, ah! Love it!

Lacey Freeman said...

Sarah, that is too sweet...they ARE going to get married one day ya know? =) We sure do miss you guys!!

Lindsi said...

a. your boys are precious.
b. you are such a great mom. all the activities and love. you're awesome.
c. i love when you post on my blog.
d. i love you even more than i already did now that i know you like michael scoffield. wow.