Monday, November 17, 2008

Funny Funny

Yesterday Chase was playing with a new little play-doh toy where the dough squirts out of a hold type things (if that makes any sense). Well he started to squish the dough out for the first time and he yelled "GUACAMOLE HOLY!!!" I just started to giggle and giggle. I have NO idea where he heard this from, but it just made me laugh.

Today, Chase found a little pair of first aid scissors that go in those little first aid kits. He grabbed them and said "these scissors are so little and I want to keep them forever and ever and ever and ever and ever!" I just giggled and told him that we only cut paper. A few minutes later I looked over and saw Chase cutting at his socks. I yelled, "CHASE NO!" (I know, I know...they are only socks but we are kind of on the skimpy side for socks since he finds ways to rip holes in ALL of them!) Chase then simply replied "but mom I am just trying to cut this off" as he pointed to a dirty spot on his sock! Luckily the scissors are so cheap that they didn't cut his sock at all.

As for Davis-he has had a little cough and so we took him in to the doctor's today because I was a little worried. Luckily, it's just a little congestion and we just have to watch him over the next little bit. He weighed in at 10 lbs 2 oz. On Friday night he slept for almost 6 hours straight and then on Saturday night he slept for almost 7 hours straight! WAHOO!! He is still just as sweet as ever and his little eyes are just as blue as can be! =) He has also been quite smiley lately and coos quite a bit. He loves to have people talk to him and he looks and listens quite intently all the while giving you a few grins! =)


Anonymous said...

The things that kids say! :) They are too funny!

Hope Davis gets better soon! Way to go on the sleep!

danakat said...

Well, guacamole holy! He is one funny kid. :)

Hope Davis is healthy, and congrats on the good sleep time. yay!

Beth said...

Guacamole holy is too funny!

Carly A said...

Oh little Chase, he is just too darn cute for words. I seriously can't wait to snuggle up with the blue eyed baby! I'll talk to him all day long!

Becki said...

yay for sleep and cute kids! Ellie slept eight hours last night. I felt like a new woman when I woke up this morning. I like your writing, it makes me happy!