Friday, November 30, 2007

First Week on the Job

Well, I just had my first full week of my new job. I work at Jenks East Intermediate School (5 and 6 graders) and an EIT (early intervention teacher). I pull kids who are far behind in there math class out each day for about 20 to 30 minutes and we get together and work on math, mainly multiplication. This is definately an interesting position for me because I really struggled with math in school, but I must admit...I am pretty fast at spitting my times tables, 0-12, out. So far I have loved my job. I hate the fact that I have to work and be away from Chase, but you do what you gotta do right? The hours and pay are great too. They will work out perfect once I start school in the spring. I have about 23 students and I take anywhere from 1 to 4 out at a time and we really have a good time together. The majority of my students are in the 6 grade. My first day I introduced myself to the students and I had a group of little black girls who started dancing and saying "oh yeah! oh yeah!" over and over again when they found out that they got to get out of class for a little bit with me. I know that this job will be challenging because I have some students who are really negative about this whole thing and working with me, because they don't think they need help, when really they do. Also, I have some students who are on the 2 and 3 grade math levels. I am honestly learning as much as the kids are, I tell you what, I need a refresher in math! Anyway, all in all i really like my job and I am excited to help these kids who are struggling to grow and learn. Oh, and Abby just thinks it's the coolest thing that I am there. She is quite the social one at school and all her little friends know me and say hey to me in the hall. She is the cool one because her older sister is working at her school. Haha. Today she pointed out the boy that she likes to me, and he is quite cute!


Cari said...

That sounds like a fun job. I would so have to refresh myself too. If you have to be away from your baby at least you have a job that you can enjoy. Good for you!

Anonymous said...

I am sure you'll do GREAT at the new job! :) I can't believe Abby is old enough to start liking boys! I used to be her Nursery Leader! ha ha

Lisha said...

I can just see Abby... what a goofy, but normal, little eleven-year-old. :) Glad it went well!

Fig said...

I'm so happy for you to have a good job.

When's a good night for you guys to come over? Some nights better than others?

I tagged you on my blog. Just so you know. It's not optional. Just kidding, it is.

Carly A said...

i am jealous of you job! and way to go abby! lacey, you better keep her in check!

Lindsi said...

That sounds like an awesome job for you! I'm sure you are fantastic at it! One tip from one teacher to another-positive feedback is everything! Shower them with praise and convince them there is no possible way for them to fail. It helps negative attitudes, I promise! I have taught 3rd, 2nd, and now 1st so if you need anything or ideas let me know. Good luck girl!